
Business Cards, Thank You cards, photocards, hand banners, and more.

PhotocardCardsHand Banners
Photocard size and cut. Without back design feeBusiness cards, Thank you cards. Vellum, Glossy/Satin PhotopaperThin or Thick (300gsm) Photopaper
Php 5-7 No CoatPhp 1-20 Vellummin. Php 10-12 No Coat
Php 7-10 Glossy CoatPhp 3-6 Photopapermin. Php 12-15 Glossy Coat
Php 7-10 Matte Coat-min. Php 12-15 Matte Coat
Minimum 3xMinimum 10x ; Increment - 10x (one short bondpaper)Min. 2x ; Increment 2x

Double-sided photos are double the price of "Front Only"

18 pcs and up Photocard orders have discount

#FyerPrints Photocards

no coat

No. of SidesTingiBulk
Front Only (Glossy/Satin)PHP 5PHP 4
Back-to-Back (Glossy)PHP 7PHP 5

#FyerPrints photocards

GLossy coat

No. of SidesTingiBulk
Front Only (Glossy/Satin)PHP 7PHP 5
Back-to-BackPHP 10PHP 8


Matte Coat

No. of SidesTingiBulk
Front Only (Glossy/Satin)PHP 7PHP 5
Back-to-BackPHP 10PHP 8


Business Cards, Thank You cards, photocards, hand banners, and more.

PhotocardCardsHand Banners
Photocard size and cut. Without back design feeBusiness cards, Thank you cards. Vellum, Glossy/Satin PhotopaperThin or Thick (300gsm) Photopaper
Php 4-6 No CoatPhp 1-20 Vellummin. Php 4-6 No Coat
Php 5-8 Glossy CoatPhp 3-6 Photopapermin. Php 6-10 Glossy Coat
Php 4-8 Matte Coat-min. Php 6-10 Matte Coat
Double-sided pictures are double the price of "Front Only"Increment of 10 pcs per order (vellum) ; min. 4 pcs per order (photopaper)Increment of 2 pcs per order
Minimum 18x ; Increment - 9x (one A4)Minimum 10x ; Increment - 10x (one short bondpaper)Min. 10x ; Increment 2x

Bulk orders must observe the minimum pieces per order above